Saturday, April 13, 2013

Calling all parents of girls, you don't want to miss this event!

As a parent of two very strong willed girls, I am always looking for books I can read to learn more about positively raising my girls in this ever changing culture. I am also looking for them to keep my sanity and not lose my patience. 

Without sounding too much like my parents, I feel like my kids are growing up too fast already. My five year old daughter is already worrying about what she is wearing compared to what the other kids have on that day. Maybe this is normal now, but I don't remember thinking about that until I was in middle school?

I am constantly challenged by my girls (in a good way) to be a better parent and to try to understand how they really tick so I can help them development into more positive and secure individuals.  So who to better help me and all you other mommies out there with spirited young ladies, is Sissy Goff, one of the authors of All You Need to Know About Raising Girls. 

This coming, Wednesday, April 17, at 6:30pm, The Brentwood United Methodist Church will be hosting an event  led by Sissy Goff on “Raising Girls." Goff will focus on what is special about raising and building a positive relationship with girls.All ages and stages of development will be discussed as well. We hope you come by to learn more about raising girls in all the stages of their life. 

To learn more about Sissy Goff , stop by

Hope to see you mommies this Wednesday night starting at 6:30.