Thursday, November 3, 2011

Grocery Store Games

      Grocery shopping with your child may not be your favorite activity, but with a little preparation and a lot of patience, you can make this shopping trip fun and a great opportunity for learning. On the way to the grocery store, create a memory game like “we are going to Publix and we are going to buy a huge piece of bread that can take us to the beach.” Make your descriptions really silly and elaborate, adding more items to the list and see what they can remember. Let your child help you push the shopping cart for a little while. Give them their own shopping list with pictures and give them clues on where they can find the items. You could play, “I Spy.” “I spy a red fruit that is round and juicy.” “Do you see it?” Have them help you take the items out of the cart or let them help you put the items away when you get home. You can even go as far as sorting the items by type or size depending on the age of your child. So when you are dreading that trip to the grocery store, just remember these simple little games and just have fun! You will be surprised how much you can teach your child in just that little trip to the store and back. 

      Things to Remember:  The grocery store is a rich resource for teaching descriptive words, reading, numbers, math, and memory skills.  It might take a little longer with the wee ones in tow, but you are accomplishing so much more than shopping.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to remember this since I feel like I live at the grocery store! Avery's been helping me lately and I think the check out folks wonder why everything I'm buying is stacked willy-nilly on the bottom of the cart. It's funny to watch her load it up!!


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