Friday, February 10, 2012


Grab a Post-it while packing your child's lunch this morning and write them a sweet note about how special they are to you and that you hope they have a fabulous day. This is not only a wonderful way to show them how much you love them, but it can also be a great teaching tool.

If you get in the habit maybe once or twice a week writing them a little note in the their lunch or leaving it in their bookbag, they will begin to recognize certain letters, even words and understand that when you put words together, they make sentence or story.

Want to make it even easier? There are several websites with printable notes. I printed several sheets, cut out the notes, and put them in an envelope that I keep in a kitchen drawer. It only takes 5 extra seconds in the morning to grab one and throw it in the lunchbox.

Here are links to some of my favorite (free!) printable notes with teddy bears for preschoolersjokes (these are geared toward boys but my daughter loves them, too), and more jokes--these are corny-cute.

So let's sneak in some pre-reading skills into our kids' every day life while most importantly reminding them how special they are to us.

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