Monday, September 24, 2012

Social Milestones

As a parent, I am always wanting to make sure my child is "on track."

Are they saying the right amount of words they are supposed to say at this age?

Are they making friends?

Can they follow one or two step directions?

Is their fine motor where it should be?

When are they supposed to be potty training?

Are they supposed to be writing their name or reading on their own at 4?

Whew! You can really wear yourself thinking about all the developmental milestones for your kids, but it doesn't do us any good to worry so much does it?

All we can do is equip ourselves with the knowledge we need to raise our kids and just do the best we can do.  

So this is where Hands on Mom comes in..and we are pretty savvy in this department if we do say so ourselves, not only as moms but also as professionals in elementary education and speech, language and literacy development.

Heather is not only a wonderful mom, but a child language expert with a thriving private practice.

I on the other hand have experience in the classroom, specifically in Pre-K through 4th grade. I understand what teachers expect children should do starting as early as 3 years old to higher elementary school age kids. The importance of social development in the child's academic success. I am also a parent to two girls, age two and five. So I have a lot of hands on learning experience to share.

The following are social milestones we feel that are important starting at age 3, when your child is probably getting ready to start a day school or Mommy's Day out program.

Starting with the 3s, here are some Social and Emotional Development milestones you can expect:

  • follows simple directions; enjoys helping with household tasks
  • begins to recognize own limits — asks for help from adults as a problem-solving strategy
  • likes to play alone, but near other children
  • reaches out to play with other children by watching them or copying their play
  • starts using words when she wants something from someone, as opposed to the two-year old "grab and run" technique
  • does not always cooperate or share well
  • is able to make choices between two things
  • begins to notice other people's moods and feelings
  • initiates self-centered conversations with adults and other children ("You know what I did? I...")
  • becomes generally more talkative as language skills dramatically increase (longer utterances, larger vocabulary, and clearer pronunciation) at this developmental stage


        Watching your child progress from the terrible 2s to the thriving 3s can be really gratifying. Many parents express that they begin to enjoy their child's company in a new way once social-emotional development hits these new milestones. 
        Concerned? Talk with your child's teacher, reach out to us, or bring it up at your next doctor's appointment. The good news about three year-olds is that you have a couple of years to start working out the kinks before kindergarten.

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