Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

Fall is our favorite time of year. We love the colors, the weather, the food you traditionally bake during this chilly season, and then the annual trip to the pumpkin patch. My oldest daughter is already counting the days until she can go.  She talks about it all the time! 

When she was one that was the first time she went to the pumpkin patch. She had a ball, running through the corn maze, enjoying a hayride, and especially picking out pumpkins with her Daddy. There are so many opportunities to provide your child with a learning experience that they will always remember. 
So don’t let this season slip away or let the football games take over. Take your child to your nearest pumpkin patch, so they can see that you don’t get a pumpkin from your local Kroger or it is not something you see on The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown special. Enjoy this family time! It is the best!
Here are some ideas for your pumpkin patch field trip:
Have your child draw a picture of their favorite moment, or draw a picture of their pumpkin.
You could even make a book about your trip to the pumpkin patch with real pictures or pictures your child draws.  
If you want to add in a little math, talk about the different sizes of the pumpkins you picked, weigh and measure the pumpkins.
For your older child, you could estimate how many lines are on your pumpkin and/or how many pumpkin seeds you might find inside the pumpkin. Measuring and estimating are great skills to learn.
Comparative language is also part of this, talking about big-bigger-biggest and heavy-heavier-heaviest.  
If you are heading out off the beaten path you could print out a Google map to your destination and have the kids help you navigate.
Most importantly, have fun and enjoy!

Community Outing: Here's a link to Middle Tennessee pumpkin patches

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