Well, let me tell you what my “me time” is these days and I
hope you Mamas will try to add some of these to your list of things to do. ..
taking a nice long bath at the end of a fun or stressful day with my kids, going
to dinner with friends, exercising, getting my hair done or a Pedi, and even getting to run errands by myself.
As my Granddad always used to say, “If Mama ain’t happy,
nobody’s happy and if Daddy aint happy, nobody cares.” So true!
You can’t feel guilty about getting away for a little while
to regroup and just take time for yourself. All week, we Mamas are rush, rush, rush to get the kids to
school, go grocery shopping, take kids to dance or soccer practice, cook
dinner, do laundry and the list goes on! And you know, there is always
something to do.
So what I have learned after having my girls and being at
home with them, if you are so run down and feel like you have somewhat lost
yourself in all the hustle and bustle of being a mom, you are not going to be
the kind of “Hands on Mom” you want to be. You are going to be less patient and
just plain burnt out. These days I have wished I could just take a leave of absence.
Away from the meltdowns, the everyday to-do list and mommy duties.
Well, I recently took a road trip to Atlanta to go see one
of my very good friends’s and meet her sweet baby girl. Even though it was just
for a night, I can’t tell you how much I needed that time away from my everyday
life. Just being able to listen to what
I wanted to in the car and a quiet car no less. No passing snacks around or
holding my breath from all the squealing and whining that is ringing in my ear.
It was absolutely wonderful! I got to catch up with my friends, have an adult
conversation without any interruptions and enjoy a nice meal that doesn’t
require paper placemats and worn out crayons.
Did I already say how fabulous this time away was! I just
wish I could have made it a whole weekend. And did I feel guilty about getting
away? Not one second! Because once I got back, I was refreshed and ready to get
back to my family.
So I hope you Mamas will try to take some “time outs” for
yourself every now and then. Even if it is taking a drive by yourself and
singing as loud as you can to your favorite tunes, going for a long walk or
just making a Target run by yourself. It will do wonders for you and it will
benefit your kids and family as well.
Remember….”If Mama aint happy, nobody is!”
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