Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy Friday!

I hope that we have inspired you busy moms out there to involve your kids and hubbies too, to keep your house organized and clutter free. Not only does sharing the responsibility of keeping your house maintained help you be less stressed but most importantly to be more present in your family's life.

As we discussed this week, there are so many benefits to giving your children household chores and providing them with opportunities to take ownership. The biggie? Praise!

A quote my mother recently shared with me in a sweet card was....

"The gift of praise is the best gift you can give your child, anytime of the year." 

I can't agree more!

So, moms, praise your children! Catch them doing something good. Look for what they are doing right, instead of looking for what they are not doing. Believe me, it will make them feel all warm and fuzzy inside and make you feel pretty good too.

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